You Only Die Twice

MON, JAN. 27 / 19:00 pm + Q&A / CINEMATHEQUE

Where can the descendants of both sides of the Holocausts nightmare meet in conversation and exchange? On Monday, January 27, at 19:00 pm in connection with the Auschwitz Day at the Cinemateque!

Yair Lev is a historian. Curiosity about a doppelganger leads him on a thriller-like and surprising adventure, portrayed nerve-wrackingly in the documentary ‘You Only Die Twice’. But the pursuit of the truth leads to an unexpected encounter – namely with Andreas Focke, who represents a completely different corner of World War II history. It turns into a meeting with the past full of drama and pain.

On Monday, you can do more than just watch the movie. Researcher and archivist Niko Hofinger will also participate in the conversation after the film, with both Yair Lev and Andreas Focke.

It all happens on Auschwitz Day as a prelude to the Copenhagen Jewish Film Festival, which opens February 21st. The conversation takes place in English in the Asta Bar after the screening and lasts approx. 45 minutes.

Director: Yair Lev
Language: Hebraisk med engelske undertekster
Year/Country: 2018, Israel + Østrig
Genre: Dokumentar
Length: 92 min. + 45 min. Q&A


Will be announced via our website: as well as the festival’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
