Exiting the Circle of Trauma

New Jewish Cinema 2024-2025

The program runs until February 2025.
Films will be shown both in person and online upon request.

“Israel: The Living Lab” (2022)
Theme: Israel’s groundbreaking role in psychedelic therapy.

Israel – a laboratory for healing. This documentary explores the significance of MDMA-assisted therapy for soldiers and victims of violence. An insight into how innovation can transform collective pain into peace and understanding.
*The film will be shown multiple times – presentations to be announced.

“The Impact of Ayahuasca & Other Psychedelics” (2019)
(featuring Charles Eisenstein)

This film features Charles Eisenstein’s reflections on the role of ayahuasca and other psychedelics in individual and collective transformation. It ties together the personal, cultural, and spiritual dimensions of psychedelics as a tool for healing trauma and exploring deeper layers of interbeing.
*The film will be shown multiple times – presentations to be announced. Live interview with Eisenstein in February 2025.

“Trip of Compassion” (2017)
Theme: The healing power of MDMA therapy.

This Israeli documentary provides an intimate look at how MDMA-assisted psychotherapy helps transform trauma. It also illustrates how Alexander Shulgin’s discoveries became practical in the world of therapy and the impact his work continues to have.

“Hasidic Jews and Psychedelics”
(inspired by Madison Margolin’s work)

When ancient traditions meet new visions: A story of young Hasidim using psychedelics to free themselves from dogma and discover new spiritual pathways.

*The film will be shown multiple times – presentations to be announced.

“Dirty Pictures” (2010)
Theme: Alexander Shulgin and the humanistic potential of psychedelics.

This documentary about Shulgin tells the story of his discoveries, philosophies, and the work he initiated in psychedelic research. There is also room to explore Shulgin’s Jewish background and its potential influence on his humanistic approach to psychedelics. The film shows how his work has transformed both psychiatry and the spiritual quest. Shulgin was not only a chemist, but also a thinker who saw MDMA and other psychedelics as a way to explore the mind and strengthen empathic connection between people. His works, such as PIHKAL (Phenethylamines I Have Known and Loved) and TIHKAL (Tryptamines I Have Known and Loved), are fundamental to understanding the potential of psychedelics.
*The film will be shown multiple times – presentations to be announced.

“Terence McKenna: The Last Interview” (med Danit Friedman)
Theme: Cosmic Consciousness and Psychedelic Philosophy.

Danit Friedman’s interpretation of McKenna’s ideas brings his visions to life in a modern context. The film focuses on how psychedelics can lead to profound spiritual transformation and healing, with a connection to Shulgin’s thoughts on psychedelics as “tools for self-discovery.”
*Live interview with Danit Friedman in February 2025 to be announced.

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